Monday, October 30, 2023

Lesson 32/33/34

 Students have been doing work on apostrophe use, and are well on their way to a quizzlet! (See me for sheets)

We spent Thursday/Friday working our way through vocabulary for TADR, and today we juuuuuust began working with the play.

Anyone who needs a copy of the play or any of our most recent sheets should swing by to sign one out/pick them up.

Homework: Just the notes possible on the front side of today’s sheet (very minimal - include page numbers)

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Lesson 30/31

 Today students read and worked on their group vocabulary - tomorrow, they will have 30 minutes more work time on the group pieces (which will be presented on Friday) before we begin play work.

Students have no homework outside of anything they assigned themselves through their groups.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Lesson 29

 Today students read their personal novels, before having a thorough (for many a second) look at feedback on their formal paragraph work. 

We then began to look at some of the vocabulary needed to understand the upcoming play work for Toronto at Dreamer's Rock

Tomorrow, we will begin work with apostrophes, and continue vocabulary building to clarify the context of the play etc. 

Searching for Dreamer's Rock | Northern Ontario Travel

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Lesson 27/28

 Yesterday, students completed the terms section of their short story test - Today, we worked through the comprehension and paragraph sections.

Work was punctuated by an earthquake drill, but there should have been enough time to complete the task at hand (some writing was rushed, and this will be taken into consideration).

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Lesson 26

 Today we did review - tomorrow we test short story terms (Thursday students will have a story to work with on the second part of the test)

Monday, October 16, 2023

Lesson 25

 Students read their novels - we did a check in afterwards, and it is clear that students are really really tired.

We talked about introduction/exposition, setting, and symbol for the story.

Students have no specific homework, but were directed to review their short story terms package, as they have a test coming up later in the week.


  • Tuesday - Review
  • Wednesday - Story Terms and Plot Graph
  • Thursday - Multiple Choice story + written section (theme is a good thing to study for this)


Lesson 24

 Students wrote, then marked a comma quiz

They briefly read their personal novels.

We talked about the theme statements we started working with last class.

We read part of  "Penny in the Dust" - to be completed on Monday

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Lesson 23

 Students did a final comma sheet, and read their personal novels - COMMA QUIZ TOMORROW

We looked at the questions folks worked on for "The Sea Devil," and students worked away at trying to write solid theme statements - the struggle was real - we have work to do.

There is going to be a short story quiz sometime next week - Tuesday or later - and students should start reviewing their short story packages.



Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Lesson 22

 Students did a second comma worksheet (review tomorrow - quizzlet on Friday)

In groups, students looked at "The Sea Devil," which we read yesterday. They answered questions 4 & 5 (on the last page of the story) and then worked through the brainstorming for, and creation of, a theme statement.



Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Lesson 21

Students who missed, or did not finish, the in-class paragraph writing came to tutorial this morning.

 Students began class with reading their personal novels.

We did a brief check in, before beginning work with  "The Sea Devil," which we will continue tomorrow. 

Friday, October 6, 2023

Lesson 20


Anyone who missed today's writing should be here first thing on Tuesday.

Anyone who did not complete the definitions and sentences for yesterday's vocab list should have them ready for Tuesday.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Lesson 19

 Students finished peer edits, and began final drafts, which we will complete tomorrow.


Students need to find definitions and then write sentences for the following vocabulary:

“Sea Devil” Vocab

·       Ebb

·       Sullen

·       Arching

·       Weltering

·       Skiff

·       Elemental

·       Sinewy

·       Serviceable

·       Pliant

·       Causeway

·       Phosphorescence

·       Exhilaration

·       Atavistic

·       Teeming

·       Skittering

·       Etched

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Lesson 18

 Students got to finished/close-to finished rough drafts, before beginning the peer-editing process.

Students will complete their peer edit at the start of tomorrow's class, before embarking on their final draft work.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Lesson 18

 Students are at various stages of drafting their "Veldt" paragraphs - All work, without exception, is to to be done at school - those with IEP's are welcome to make use to tech adaptations etc. and encouraged to come in for tutorials, and ask to work in LC as needed. 

Anyone who needs more than about 30-35 minutes to complete their rough draft should come in to tutorial tomorrow morning.

 We will finish rough drafts tomorrow, as well as a peer edit, before moving on to final drafts on Thursday/Friday.

Final poem!!!

Today we did a poetry terms quizzzzzz, then students shared their found and shape poems. We discussed what an  ODE  really is, and looked at...